This is not my usual travel post, but it is a story that I need to tell. I want to save others from the nightmare of Dog Alley at Canton Trade Days that my family experienced. This blog serves as the best way for me to get my voice heard. So, please pardon the deviation from my normal camping content.
Love at First Sight in Dog Alley at Canton Trade Days
We were looking for a new four-legged camping buddy to join our family. I love Chihuahuas and knew that their small size would be the perfect breed for an RVing partner. However, I did not know how to go about finding one. With several bad shelter rescue dog experiences in my past, I began searching online for other options. I found a few websites, but was not really sure about the legitimacy of them. Next, I turned to Craig’s list. When I reached out to a lady about the puppies she had listed, she told me that they were already sold and referred me to Dog Alley at Canton Trade Days in Canton, Texas. And so our nightmare began.
As a last minute decision to just see what it was about, we hoped in the car and headed to Dog Alley at Canton Trade Days. Expecting to see a small tent of dog breeders, I was surprised to be greeted by hundreds of cages, pens, and even small shops filled with animals for sale. I knew exactly what I wanted; a teacup, short haired, deer head Chihuahua. After a couple of hours of browsing and ready to give up, she caught my eye as I was headed toward the exit. She was the smallest little thing and looked exactly like the Chihuahua I grew up with. I feel in love at first sight and all rationale left my mind.
The Dog Alley at Canton Trade Days Red Flags
- I talked the seller down to $400 when everywhere else Teacup Chihuahua’s were selling for closer to $800
- The puppy was wearing a dress. Later I realized it was to hide her skeletal physique.
- The puppy was not playful. Super cuddly, but not playful like a puppy should be.
- When I asked about the puppy’s parents the seller claimed that her sister had her phone with the pictures on it and that she would be back later.
- When I asked the lady for her phone number she claimed that she did not know it and that she had her sister’s phone so she could not look it up.
- As she handed me the shot records she said, “If you puppy dies within two weeks I will give you another one.”
It took that last comment to make me start questioning what I was doing. As I was leaving Canton Trade Days, a family standing by the exit asked me where I got my puppy from. When I told them Dog Alley, they shared with me the story of the puppy they bought at Canton that died a few days later. As you can imagine, my concern grew.
At Home with Harley
The car ride home was fun as we threw around names and finally settled on Harley. She was a little cuddle bug, but did not play much. Within 24 hours she quit eating. Next began the diarrhea and vomiting. I took her to the vet where we were given little hope. Weighing only one pound the vet was appalled at how small she was bred. He gave her fluids, but it was not enough. She wasted away within a few days.
The Next Canton Trade Days First Monday at Dog Alley
Watching Harley die was heartbreaking for our family. Going back to dog alley was not an easy decision for me to make, but at this point I was out about $700 and did not want that woman to get off scot free selling me a sick puppy. Thinking it was a long shot that I would see her again, my stomach sank a little when I found her in the same location as before. I told her what happened she moved a Micro Chihuahua (her words) out of the way and handed me her biggest, oldest, liveliest pup. As we left, she said to me, “No more puppies. He is your responsibility now.” Regardless, my naive hope was restored. I mean, this little guy was a live wire and twice the weight as Harley. He seemed healthy as a horse. We called him Loki, the dog of mischief.

At Home with Loki
Thinking the worst was behind us, we quickly fell in love with Loki. He followed me around like a baby duck. His favorite place to sleep was on my neck or on my shoulder like a parrot. But once again, the good times lasted only a day. Loki quite eating, became lethargic, then started the diarrhea and vomiting. The pattern of symptoms were exactly the same as Harley’s.
We rushed him to the vet the first appointment we could get. Because Loki was bigger, older, and overall healthier than Harley, the vet did a Parvo test. It came back positive and I felt like I had been hit by a bus. Two vets assured me that Loki was already sick before I got him. It takes five days for the virus to incubate.
Unlike with Harley, we were told Loki may have a chance if given 24 hour care in an emergency facility. I knew I could not watch another puppy die, so we admitted him. The nurses and vets at Denton County Animal ER did everything they could to save him. The patience and kindness they showed to my family was far beyond anything I have ever experienced from a veterinarian. They sent text messages, photos, and called several times a day. They made sure we were regularly informed on his progress and counseled me through all of the emotions I was feeling. Ultimately, on day six of hospitalization, Loki passed away.

Lessons I Have Learned About Buying Puppies
Four thousand dollars and two dead puppies later, I have learned some hard lessons about puppy buying.
- First and foremost do not buy from a flea market. Those places are riddled with Parvo and abuse. Puppies are sometimes traded or stolen. There is a good chance you are not even purchasing from the breeder. I have since read several horror stories online about the puppy mill business and it’s strong Canton ties.
- A good breeder will video themselves giving vaccinations as proof that it was actually done. They will also give the second dose in front of the buyer.
- Buy from someone where you can see the home. You want to see the parents of the puppy and the environment were they are kept.
- Avoid purchasing a teacup, mini, or micro of any breed. Dogs are not meant to be this small. In addition to genetic issues, their natural defense against viruses and parasites is a hopeless cause.
- Don’t discount shelters or older dogs. An older pup that is fully vaccinated can offer peace of mind and potentially less heartbreak. We can no longer bring a young puppy to our house. Parvo can be cleaned from inside the home, but will live in our yard for years.
Please Share this Dog Alley at Canton Trade Days Warning with Others
I’m telling my story not for sympathy, but as a warning to others. Please share this everywhere you can and help me spread the word. If people stop purchasing the puppies from places like this then there will not be motivation to breed them this way. Use the quick buttons to share on your social media channels and click the image below to Pin It.
I welcome any comments below. Have you had a similar Dog Alley at Canton Trade Days experience? Are you a breeder and can provide more tips on things to do or look for before purchasing a puppy? Do you represent a shelter and can give additional puppy buying advice? I would love to hear your thoughts.
First Monday Canton Trade Days states on their website that they do not sell animals at the original First Monday Park. However they do refer buyers to Dog Alley on their FAQ page.
Unfortunately this is a familiar story. My parents bought me a puppy from Canton when I was about 10 and within days she was on the brink of death. Emergency iv fluids and round the clock care healed her and Tassels (the Cockapoo) my parents purchased turned into a schnauzer that lived about 12 more years but I have never forgotten the horror.
We volunteer with a area rescue group that is highly reputable and I will never get another puppy. It is just too hard when I get attached.
I am so sorry for your losses.
Thank you for sharing your story. I am happy you all were able to save that puppy.
I also have a current horrible experience with Canton Dog Alley. I would like to talk to you. Please email me so that I can get your number and call you please. I am so heartbroken and want to be the voice for my little puppy tat suffered & died at the vet on IV’s and medications and no love or comfort when she needed me the most.
I am so sorry. It was a horrific experience for us too. I sent you an email.
I have been in contact with this person sadly flea market people buy healthy pups put them with sick puppies and sell. My place we do have tiny but in no way or they breed down purposely. Each pup is kept away from any chances and vaccinated as soon as nibbling on food. And revaccinated when they leave. Should we incur a sick animal because we do take in rescues they are put in isolation but all things in contact with them are destroyed bedding dishes kennels and our clothes are never worn out where they are parvo is that serious. If you’ve had parvo recommend if you get a new puppy getting atleast 6 months vaccinated 4 times and keep boostering.
Wow. Even your clothes! I’m surprised it can live through a sanitize wash cycle. Good to know.
Do you sell Chihuahuas at Canton? I was considering going there but now I am not sure.
NO! I do not sell dogs. I was victim to a dog seller at Canton. I wanted to tell my story to warn others to PLEASE not go there. It appears that there are breeders/sellers that simply bred the animals to die. Since I have posted my story, I have had many people reach out and tell me that they were sold sick dogs from Dog Alley at Canton Trade days, too. Please do not give them any money. I have recently joined several local Chihuahua Facebook groups. I have learned a lot from vet techs and breeders in the group. Do your research and ask LOTS of questions. Or even better consider a shelter like Operation Kindness.
So terribly sorry for the heartbreak you suffered.
Actually, a good breeder will not give the puppy its shots personally, let alone in front of you. They will take them to a licensed vet and have them administer the shot. Because truth be told, the shots you buy over the counter are garbage and can kill your puppy too. I’m sorry this happened to you. But be wary of any breeder giving shots themselves.
Wow! Thank you so much for that advice. I can not believe how difficult it is to get a puppy.
Negative! A responsible breeder with a license will always give pups the shots themselves and always buy from veterinarian supply stores…
Thank you for your perspective? Are you a breeder? Do you have any tips to help others determine if a breeder is a responsible one?
I sell AKC German shepherds and my vet comes to the home. Any vet. That the puppies hoped to will give out documents that states the vaccines and dewormed that was given. Always ask for proof of the vaccines and dewormed documents on the puppies that you buy from a flea market and/or breeder, an individual can sell sick puppies as well. I’m so sorry that you all have had tragic experiences with biting puppies at dog ally. I’m seriously thinking about taking my precious babies to dog ally in the morning but my puppies have had half of parvo/distemper vaccines so my precious babies won’t come into contact with their grounds.
Thank you,
Cheryl busy
I am so glad to hear you will not be taking your precious babies there. It is not worth the risk.
I also bought a puppy at Canton Trade Days and lost my sweet Maltipoo a few days later from Parvo. My vet bill was almost 1000.00 but my heartbreak was so much more. We had to admit her to our animal emergency hospital and the last 4 days of her live she was alone & dying on IV’s, medications & unable for me to see her or hold her. We had to have her cremated because I could not bring her home by law to bury with Parvo. I then had to order Parvo Products online to completely sanitize our home. It is the worst pain to go through! I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANYONE TO BUY PUPPIES FROM CANTON TRADE DAYS. I called & talked to the owner of “DOG ALLEY” and she was very rude. She said “I’ll talk to them (owner of puppies). She said they are very good rental customers of hers. I told her that is not acceptable. She then said “what do you want me to do?” VERY HATEFUL WOMAN IN MY OPINION. They should have strict guidelines on their breeders. We got a shot record with our puppy but one set of shots isn’t enough to protect them from Parvo!!! She was so rude!!!
I had the EXACT same conversation with the owner. I am so sorry you and that puppy went through this too.
Thank you so much! I wish we could get media & news attention. I don’t want anyone else going through this pain!
This blog was best my way to help. I tried to do some online research about the place before I went, but there really wasn’t anything. I’m glad to see how many people are reading this. However, I would be happy to talk to the media should they be interested in telling our story.
They can contact me. I kept all of my paid receipts, including
Dottie Grace’s papers, shot record etc… Now I am left with a tiny little cedar box that holds her ashes and a little mold of her tiny footprint because I was forced to cremate her.
So heart breaking. Please share this post anywhere you can. The more people who read it the better.
Parvovirus lives in the dirt.
Dog alley has plenty of reputable breeders, you just have to look for them.
1) animals not kept where they come in contact with the dirt.
2) petting of pups is not allowed unless you have sanitized hands (some don’t allow it at all unless considering an actual purchase)
3) dame and/or sire on site.
4) business card WITH PHYSICAL ADDRESS – generally local.
5) vet documents- verifiable with contact information
6) references of other satisfied buyers.
Thank you for the tips. I’m sure they will help others not make the same mistakes I did. I am just so heartbroken for all of the thousands of puppies up there that do not receive such care.
I am also very heartbroken that we bought a precious puppy that was sick and ended up in our vet hospital with Parvo. She died several days later under medical supervision and care. It was very expensive but my pain was not being able to sit and hold her. She was alone without being loved. IV’s and gloves. I couldn’t even bring her home to bury her because of the Parvo. I was forced to have her cremated to bring her home. I contacted the female owner of Dog Alley and she was unconcerned and cold. She stated the “breeder” was a good customer and always paid their monthly rent and there was never a complaint on them. ( I know for a fact there was a complaint and they keep selling puppies. There were 3 in the litter that I chose our little girl from. I am certain that the other two have passed as well.) Please, please don’t buy puppies from these breeders. There are no strict guidelines for care of these pets.
I got the same excuses and same treatment. I will obviously not be supporting anyone who chooses to use this facility. I’m sorry for your loss.
I’m sorry for your loss as well. It makes me very sad to know that absolutely NOTHING happens to these people or the owner of the facility. It needs to be shut down! The puppies pay the price of losing their lives.